
DIC DIC AGROCARE main objective is to better streamline the production of a high level, well-motivated, and ethically conscious small holder farmers through Agro-ecology and livelihood systems, clean energy and agribusiness to impact on prevailing agricultural, nutritional, environmental, and livelihood challenges in the region. This is achievable through:

  • Training :- envisioned to carry out relevant research in Agro-ecology and livelihood systems for innovation in the region and beyond

  • Integration of ecological approaches in Agriculture and related disciplines in the region to stimulate sustainable development and better livelihoods.

  • Collaborations: Initiation of critical collaborations for strengthening multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral approaches for development.

  • Partnership: Promotion of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) for innovation dissemination and impact enhancement in Agro-ecology for better livelihood strategies.

  • Field school: Establishment of demonstration farms accessible to the local farmers to provide the relevant skills, technologies, agricultural services, and ethical consciousness, to the communities to enhance sustainable development for all.

  • Clean energy: Use of clean energy such as solar power, biogas and briquettes which is carbon free to enhance waste management and health standards.

Passion for poultry youth group in Rata-Seme sub-county receives chicks from DIC DIC AGROCARE at their training centre

Passion for poultry youth group in Rata-Seme sub-county receives chicks from DIC DIC AGROCARE at their training centre

Mrs. Christine of DIC DIC AGROCARE training Ulalo youth group in Kisumu West sub-county on entrepreneurship

Mrs. Christine of DIC DIC AGROCARE training Ulalo youth group in Kisumu West sub-county on entrepreneurship

Obambo youth group in Kisumu West sub-county receives an incubator from DIC DIC AGROCARE

Obambo youth group in Kisumu West sub-county receives an incubator from DIC DIC AGROCARE

Eagle Site Group along the lake Victoria shore conducting vaccination programme to their indiginious chicken at the training site.

Eagle Site Group along the lake Victoria shore conducting vaccination programme to their indiginious chicken at the training site.

Promoting azora,an algae rich in protein supply for fish and poultry

Promoting azora,an algae rich in protein supply for fish and poultry

Dic Dic Agrocare advocates for clean energy that is carbon free through use of Briquettes

Dic Dic Agrocare advocates for clean energy that is carbon free through use of Briquettes

DIC DIC Agrocare Staff Moses and Christine seated 3rd and 4th from left and chair persons of the four groups in Youth Empowerment programme in Kisumu County.

DIC DIC Agrocare Staff Moses and Christine seated 3rd and 4th from left and chair persons of the four groups in Youth Empowerment programme in Kisumu County.

Youth mentors from Kisumu in the youth empowerment program by dic dic agrocare in partnership with MasterCard foundation

Youth mentors from Kisumu county in the youth empowerment program by dic dic agrocare in partnership with MasterCard foundation

Dic Dic Agrocare promotes vermiculture for soil and plant nutrition,waste management and poultry feeds

Dic Dic Agrocare promotes vermiculture for soil and plant nutrition,waste management and poultry feeds